Motion Graphics 1



1.3 3d in After Effects

  • Exercise 1.4 Tracking Point
  • Motion Graphics in the Wild (12)

  • Ex.1
  • Ex.2
  • Ex.3
  • A compilation of 9 motion graphics
  • Quaker Oats Infographic Animation Project 1

    Figma Storyboard

    Echoes of the Bat: A Batman Project [Motion Graphics Project 2]


    Figma for Echoes of the Bat: A Batman Project [Motion Graphics Project 2]

    Project Plan

    Batman is one of the greatest super heroes. I wanted to create a motion grpahic, in honor of the hero. The goal is to take refernece and inspiration from already existing Batman content, such as comic books and movies inorder to tell a story. I'll be animating elements from the comics in after effects.


    Yes it was succesful, but I would have loved to use the actual comic book panels rather than draw over them and create my own graphics. For next time, I would make the video longer by adding more comic book panels. I would change the tone from red to more black. I would love to add villains in for next time to better represent the batman lore. Some motion graphic techniques I learned were 1. always name your layers 2. be specific with your markers because timing is everything.

    Touch Designer

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2

    project 2: real-time interactive multimedia art installation

    Project Plan

    The plan is to take 150 photos of my room in a 360, then turn these photos into a 3d geometry which I can import into Touch Designer and turn into Point Clouds. I will use touch designer to create an abstarct version of my room, making it look like a multiverse version of my room which can be distorted with YOUR voice.

    Project 3: Strava

    Project Plan

    Project Description

    The setting of the project is the day of a marathon. You arrive before the sun is up. You feel amazing when you start, and then around 30km you hit a wall. The video shows the runner pushing past this wall. Over the past year running has become my life, so that's why I chose running.